It’s Fall, y’all!
& even though it’s 90 degrees here in Florida (seriously!), we’re still celebrating with some festive decorations!
I originally told myself, “Ok, there’s no need to DIY a wreath… Fall decor is 50% off at Hobby Lobby. I’ll save myself some time & just buy one.”
But when I got there, I saw that even 50% off, they were still upwards of $50-70…. I’m sorry, what??? For a wreath? Haha. So Gio helped me throw (literally) some decorations in the cart & for less than $30 I got my supplies for a custom wreath.
(I didn’t notice some of these photos are blurry until I uploaded them here, sorry!!)
Here’s what I used:
- 18″ Grapevine Wreath– $4.99
- Fall Leave Garland- $6
- 2 Beaded Corns- $4
- Glitter Acorns- $2
- 3 Pumpkins-$4
- Berries Garland- $6
- The letter “L” that I’ve had for months & never knew where to put. (Got it for $5 when I bought it)
- Yarn or pipe cleaners
- Scissors
- Wire cutters
- Hot glue gun
**I couldn’t find any of the “Fall decor” I used, so the wreath & “L” are the only ones with links!**
What I did:
I started by attaching the leaves to the wreath using tan yarn. You can also use pipe cleaners, I was just using what I already had. I didn’t cut the yarn strings off yet, in case I could use them to attach something else.
The garland was longer than the circumference of the wreath so I clipped off the excess with wire cutters.
Looks like Gio was hungry for a pumpkin…
I started arranging (& rearranging) my pumpkins & corn where I thought they looked best, using the wire stems to stick them into the vines on the wreath. I didn’t secure them with yarn until I was sure I knew where I wanted everything to be. I kind of got caught up in the process & only took one picture– & it’s a blurry one at that. Whoops. haha.
Using wire cutters, I removed the stems of berries & weaved them around the rest of the decorations, securing them with yarn. I hot glued the glitter acorns randomly around the wreath.
I decided later to hot glue the letter “L” (for our last name: Love) that I originally bought for our house & had no idea where to put. You probably wouldn’t even notice the “L” unless I said something, since it kind of just blends in, haha. Thinking I might spray paint it gold so it stands out more…
FYI: Since we have a glass door, I was thinking we could use a wreath holder magnet so I wouldn’t have to hang it over our door– We have like a 9′ door, it’s super tall– so an over-the-door wreath holder holds it up way too high & just looks silly. Turns out the wreath is too heavy for the magnet. Bummer. So I tied on some rope & hung it from the wreath holder at the level that I wanted.
& that’s it!! I hope you guys enjoyed this post & found it helpful. Get creative making a wreath & share a pic with me so I can see your masterpiece! :) Thanks for stopping by, HAPPY FALL!!!