1. Kate Spade Stevie Diaper Bag & Changing Pad in Black. This was a gift & I love it. It was on clearance at the Kate Spade outlet… Score! It has tons of pockets so I stay organized & it comes with a changing pad that can be easily wiped down with a Clorox Bleach Wipe (I keep a Ziploc of these in the bag. I’m kiiiiind of a germaphobe!) I love that it doesn’t look like a diaper bag!
2. Pampers Swaddlers. For us, these are the BEST! I’ve tried others Pampers kinds & they’ve leaked, which is a nightmare when you’re out & about!!!
3. Pampers Natural Clean Wipes. You need these for obvious reasons.
4. Playtex Nursers with Drop-in Liners. I’m not quite comfortable breastfeeding in public, so I bring a bottle just in case. These are easy to clean since you just throw the liner out when you are done (:
5. Extra clothes. We love H&M onesies!! Cheap, well-made, adorable, & organic cotton. These are a no-brainer!
6. Aden & Anais Bamboo Blankets. Lightweight, SUPER soft & big enough for the stroller!
7. Munchkin Scented Diaper Bag Dispenser. Keep anything that would otherwise make your bag stinky… dirty diapers if you have nowhere to get rid of them right away, soiled clothes etc.
8. Aden & Anais Burpy Bib. Big & soft. These are my favorite burp cloths.
9. Dr. Brown’s Pacifier & Bottle Wipes. For all you fellow germaphobes out there (;
10. Angel Dear Green Monster Blankie. We take this everywhere, it’s Gio’s favorite!!
11. Little Giraffe Luxe Dot Mini Blankie. This was a gift & it’s the softest blanket on the planet. It’s small & perfect to cover him in his car seat/stroller if it’s really cold.
12. Moose Stroller Buddy by Mud Pie. This guy is so stinkin’ cute!! We love him.
13. Sophie the Giraffe. Easy to hold, easy to chew on (:
14. The Very Hungry Caterpillar Soft Book. The bendable pages make it easy to keep anywhere in the diaper bag. He also likes the crinkling sounds one of the pages makes.
15. The Very Hungry Caterpillar Rattle. This keeps Gio somewhat entertained in his car seat. Since he makes an appearance twice in our favorites, can you tell we love this little caterpillar? (;
16. Kashi Bars. These are obviously for me, haha. Anyone who knows me knows I need to eat every 30 seconds frequently & these are so easy for on-the-go! My favorite flavors are Trail Mix, Honey Almond Flax & Dark Mocha Almond, but I like every flavor I’ve tried so far. The Chocolate Almond & Sea Salt with Chia is next on my list to try!
Other things in my diaper bag include:
- A mini first aid kit. This is not a favorite because of it’s purpose, but definitely important!
- Baby nail clippers. When my husband is driving & G is sleeping, it’s the perfect time to trim his nails.
- Dr. Brown’s Pacifiers. He only takes a paci if he’s really upset in his car seat, & sometimes not even then!
- A ziploc with Clorox Bleach Wipes.
- Extra Ziploc bags.
- A flat cloth diaper. These are super absorbent if I spill something.
- A snot sucker. I’ve read that those blue bulb things can get moldy inside so we use this instead. The next 4 things on the list I never go anywhere without:
- Burt’s Bees chapstick, because I’m a chapstick addict.
- Gum.
- Almonds.
- Water.
I also keep a bag of extras in my car, just in case. I keep it stocked with:
- Clothes- a short sleeved onesie & a sleeper, socks & a hat
- Blankets
- Diapers & Wipes
- Washcloths/Burp cloths