Dr. Seuss was on my favorite authors list as a kid & I still love the books today! I decided to make a Dr. Seuss Week at school to honor Dr. Seuss’s birthday on March 2. Here are some of the activities we did:
We read The Foot Book, traced our feet & cut them out. We then placed them on our own foot book & arranged them from smallest to biggest. They loved being able to take their shoes off for this, haha. It was a great way to visualize & graph our results.
The kids loved this next table activity I set out for them each morning. As much as I would love to take credit for making this creative counting game, I found it here at Mamamiss & she has all the printables there for you & shows you how the game works. Hers are all cut nicely in circles.. to save time I just lined them up in my paper cutter & cut them into squares. Overall this is such a great activity!! If you keep it in a page protector you can use it over & over again, too! (;
How could we have Dr. Seuss Week & not do a Cat in the Hat activity? We read the Cat in the Hat then the kids made their own hats afterward. I made a hat shape & precut them as well as the red strips of construction paper. They glue the strips on & when they were dry, they trimmed them closer to the edge of the hat.
Our snack for Cat in the Hat Day was sliced strawberries & bananas. I asked them to make their own hats out of the fruit. I loved what they came up with (: Pretty good designs, I’d say!
Another graphing activity we did using the fish from the 1 fish, 2 fish counting game. We put our names on a fish & taped it above our favorite Dr. Seuss book. Looks like Cat in the Hat wins! (:
These next few pictures show the Dr. Seuss Counting & Color books I found here at 2 Teaching Mommies. Not only are the books adorable but the kids LOVED them. Check out their website, they have TONS of cute Dr. Seuss related activities as well as so many others. I will be visiting them for activities again in the future!!
After reading Green Eggs & Ham we made our own green eggs for snack. I forgot the ham, boo!
But we still enjoyed our strange snack (:
& finally, who could forget about The Lorax? The book is realllllly long for preschoolers so I would suggest reading a little bit each day. Since I am at a drop-in center I have different kids coming & going all day everyday, so I can’t really do that. Instead we did our story with puppets. Most of the kids have seen the movie so they could help me tell the story. Sometimes that’s more fun than reading a book anyway (: After our story we made our own truffula trees using glue, pipe cleaners & pom poms. Ta daa! I think I have the most artistic preschoolers ever (;
& here’s a random photo of all our neon pom poms. Haha.
I hope you enjoyed looking at some of the things we did for Dr. Seuss week!! You could even use these activities as inspiration for a Dr. Seuss themed party (;