We were late on our very first day of school, ever.
You guyyyyys! Giovanni started preschool! I can’t believe it. Where does the time go?! I was actually less emotional than I expected myself to be. I thought I would be a blubbering mess, but it was actually pretty easy. Too easy, actually. But he was ready, so I guess I was, too. It’s all he’s been talking about since he noticed the school bus that stops in front of our house this past spring. Actually, he’s asked to ride the bus almost every time he sees it, ha! Not yet, kiddo!
{Be sure to scroll down for the video of our morning getting ready for his very first day!}
We did a mommy & me class at our church earlier this year, where he now goes to preschool, & it was the same teacher in the same classroom. So we both felt confident this school year in a familiar setting :)
First day of school
We woke up early & got ready pretty leisurely. We already picked out our clothes the night before, so it was an easy morning. I was just trying to take everything in. & everything was great until I realized that school started 30 minutes sooner than I thought it did. Don’t ask me how I got this wrong, because I literally have no idea! Things got real, fast, & it went exactly how you would imagine it going. “GET IN THE CAR! WHERE’S YOUR BACKPACK? HURRY UP, WE’RE LATE!!!” *Gio, insisting on trying to buckle himself into his car seat* “Buddy, PLEEEEEEASE just LET ME DO IT, we CAN’T BE LATE on our FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL EVER!!”
“This is my life. Only me. How can we be late on our first day of school?! SERIOUSLY!?!? What is wrong with me!! Ohhhh, Lord, help me.”
Those were some of the things that ran through my head, or that I may have said sitting at every. single. red light.
We raced there, hit every light & construction (of course!) & made it there 15 minutes late. I helped Gio get his little whale backpack on & his little legs run up the ramp to the entrance like he owned the place. I managed to grab a video of him running up– Actually, I managed to get some clips of him getting ready, before my plans of getting the rest of our morning together were thrown out the window, when I realized we were already late before we even left the house, lol.
This is life though, right? I thought it was just my life, but after posting about it on Facebook, I actually had quite a few people reach out to me saying they’d been there, or making jokes that it’s a funny first day memory. & upon pick-up, another mom told me she was 30 minutes late. Sooooo, yeah. I don’t feel so bad. Haha.
A letter to Gio
Giovanni, my sweet, sweet boy. I’m so incredibly proud of you! You have little fear in life & are always willing to try new things– Eat new foods, meet new people, go new places. No questions asked. You’re always up for an adventure & I admire that. Today you told me you wanted to be an astronaut (well, your first answer was, “the stinky cheese man” from your book, haha.) which brings me to the next thing I love about you– your humor. You’re always trying to make people laugh, especially Gabi, & you usually end up giggling uncontrollably along with her. Your laugh is unique & unmistakable, & one of my favorite things about you. You are kind & thoughtful, picking me a flower every time we go outside, it melts my heart. You are so, so smart & you tell me at least once a day that the dinosaur with the longest name is the micropachycephalosaurus. You’re truly one of a kind, kid, & we love you SO MUCH. We can’t wait to see all the amazing things you’re going to do in life, & so thankful that we get to be a part of it. Love you soooo much, kiddo. Never change.
Love always,