Halloween Costumes for Kids
Halloween will be here before you know it! If you’re at a loss for ideas when it comes to Halloween costumes for kids, I’ve put together a list of the things I’ve dressed my kids in over the years. I’m not the best seamstress in the world, but I love trying my best to make fun, creative & unique costumes for my kiddos. It’s a creative process for me & I love it :) If you’re interested in some Halloween costume inspiration, read on!
I can’t WAIT to show you guys what we’re going as this year! It’s going to be great :) Until then, here some cute Halloween Costumes for Kids we’ve used in the past. I love siblings costumes, so that’s what most of the ones listed here are. You’ll also find the full post with tutorials on how to make each costume, so check those out if you want to recreate the look!
Halloween Costumes for Kids
Owl Costume
When Gio was an only child, I made this adorable owl costume. It’s made out of felt, a little bit of faux leather & a onesie. The wings are even removable with snaps & I made shoe covers that look like owl feet! You can find the full tutorial here: DIY Owl Costume.
The Tortoise & The Hare 
My husband & I joke that Halloween is also known in our house as, “Macklin Hates Us Day.” (Mack is our dog. He hates dressing up, but tolerates it.) We put bunny ears on him for this one & he’s obviously thrilled, ha! This is one of my favorite Halloween costumes for kids & it’s perfect for kids who are still crawling– you can find the full tutorial here: DIY Turtle Costume.
Little Red, Big Bad & The Woodcutter
This costume required little effort in terms of outfit construction– no sewing, no gluing, no piecing things together! I used a few things they already had in their closets & the rest I found at places like Old Navy, Amazon & Target. I wanted to get things they could actually wear beyond Halloween, & things that would keep them warm while trick or treating. Some of the items are no longer available, but I’ve added links to similar items:
Little Red’s Outfit:
Red Hood | White Tights | Red Glitter Flats
Woodcutter’s Outfit:
Blue Beanie | Plaid Shirt | Plaid Vest | Tan Pants | Beard Paint
Peter Pan & Tinker Bell
Days before Halloween, I changed our costumes from Moana & Maui to Pete & Tink. I’m unpredictable like that, haha. I’ll try & get the tutorial up on how I made their costumes this week! I’m not a seamstress, but I used felt & fleece, so the fabric was very forgiving. I’ll link the outfit accessories I got on Amazon:
Peter’s Outfit:
Flesh Colored PJ’s | Knit Tights | Shoes
Tink’s Outfit:
Fairy Wings | Glitter Shoes | Knit Tights | Flesh Colored PJ’s
In this snapshot of “Macklin Hates Us Day” (Halloween), here he is posing as Tick Tock Croc. Aka Gio’s dinosaur old costume, hahaha.
I can’t wait to share what we’re going as this year! I hope these Halloween costumes for kids gave you a bit of inspiration for this upcoming Halloween. Be sure to tag me if you decide to make any of these– go connect me on all my social media channels so we can be friends!