A Day at the Fair
I’ve loved the county fair since I was little, & it was so much fun to take the kids this year! We indulged in some fried food, pet baby farm animals, enjoyed some rides, got sugared up on cotton candy & just enjoyed each other’s company. I loved it!!
The fair was pretty close to our house, so we put Gabi in a stroller & we all walked over. Little miss ended up falling asleep before we even got there!
It was so much fun to see all the different farm animals & let the kids pet them. We went in a little pen with baby goats, pigs, (& even a “Li’l Sebastian, for all you P&R lovers!) and rabbits. Sooo cute! No photos, we were too busy ooohing & ahhhing over them, haha. While taking a baby to such places Changing mats for travel is a must.
My brave boy wanted to ride “all the rides!” Gabi was a little more apprehensive, but we decided the flying cars would be a great first choice :)
We took a break & they begged for a sip of dad’s soda. It was a hit.
I went with Gabi on the flying bees & I did my best to not get dizzy! The rides that just go in circles usually make me nauseous but I powered through, haha.
We ended our day with more not-healthy-for-us-but-taste-really-good snacks, including cotton candy & fried cheese curds!
We had so much fun & created lots of precious memories. I tried not to be on my camera the entire time, but I love looking back on our day at the fair. What’s your favorite thing at the fair?