Pumpkin Festival 2017
When it’s Fall, you go to the pumpkin festival. So that’s what we did this past weekend :) The weather was perfection & the kiddos had a blast! We fed cows/horses/goats, Gio & Gabi climbed on tractors, painted pumpkins & just enjoyed each other’s company. Here’s a video of our time at the farm :)
I loved seeing Gio & Gabi’s reactions to all the animals. We’re working on animal sounds with Gabi, so it was fun to show her the real life verisons! She knows cow, but the rest say, “bok bok,” haha.
The kids loved feeding the animals, but needed a little reassurance, haha.
One of the highlights was a ride behind the tractor! The driver made it so fun for the kids, zig zagging back & forth & doing lots of circles. I thought for sure Gabi was going to try & climb out (so we told Gio to make sure she stays in her seat) but she actually loved it!
Tractor driver in training! He doesn’t look impressed, but I promise he loved it, haha.
All I wanted was one picture of my pumpkins with the pumpkins. This was the best I could get before they were off to the next adventure, haha.
And all that walking deserved a snack break with some juice boxes, of course.
They had a cute pumpkin painting table with egg carton paint holders & they were just free to do whatever. Loved seeing them paint their pumpkins together & be creative :)
Love making memories with my crew. Thanks for stopping by to see what we were up to at the pumpkin festival this year. Happy Fall!