I’m 40 weeks, today is my due date! This pregnancy has FLOWN by!! I know the last trimester is supposed to feel like it’s taking forever, but really it’s going by so fast. I haven’t had any recent contractions & Gabriella is head down, but that’s about it at this point. The doctor says, “Any day!”
………. tell me something I don’t know, haha. So we’re just waiting! Some days more patiently than others, haha.
I’ve been trying to soak up every moment of Giovanni being my only little buddy, because I know things are about to be very, very different around here! We’re just trying to make every moment count & do our best to prepare him for the changes ahead.
It’s bittersweet knowing that things are not going to be the same, but we are so, SO excited to welcome little Gabriella into our lives, too! :) Every morning Gio pats or points to my belly & asks, “Baby Gabi?” Yeah, she’s still in there! “Soon?” Yeah, she’s going to visit you soon! Sometimes I’ll even get some “keesses” (kisses) on my belly if I’m lucky… This little boy is nothing but love, just like his shirt says :)
It’s sad to think how “big” he’s gotten!! I know… He’s still little. But oh my gosh we celebrated his 2nd birthday yesterday. His 2ND birthday!! I feel like I blinked & now we’re here. He’s such a happy kid & loves to make people laugh. Every day he amazes us & we’re so lucky to have him!! He’s going to do great things someday.
We started off Gio’s birthday with a living room filled with balloons! Or “boons” as Gio calls them :)
Then we took our new car out for a spin! Haha. *laughing with tears emoji*
We’re still learning how to steer, but he LOVES it :)
We also had a bubble party, which was really hard to get good pictures of, haha.
So many bubbles!!!
& we ended the day with a cupcake! He loved when we sang him happy birthday :)
Like our pink plate? Haha.
Ohhhhhh, I just love this kid to pieces.
Happy 2nd birthday to the one that made me a mommy! I love you to the moon & back, little man! Xoxo