Reality really hit me hard a few days ago when I received my first purchase for Gabriella in the mail– How cute are these dresses!?!? (Both from Carter’s :)
Receiving that package prompted these thoughts…
We’re having another baby. A girl!! But wow… Another baby. There’s going to be 2 little ones now… That means 2 carseats… 2 kids to get dressed, feed, take care of, put to sleep… EVERYTHING is going to be so different. Can I handle it? I hope Gio doesn’t feel pushed aside or less loved. I hope with 2 I can keep my balance. & my sanity. I kind of need that. At least a little of it, anyway. Haha.
We always knew we’d have more than 1 baby, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t afraid. It’s a big change for everyone & I love the way things are right now. I started wondering how people with 2+ kids manage. I guess you just do it.. Take things one moment at a time to just get through it in the beginning, until you get used to it & things eventually get easier.
Giovanni will be 2 years old (& will probably look sooo much bigger next to baby Gabi!) & I know he’ll be a great big brother & helper. I also know there will be challenges, but Gio gives us so much joy & love that I can’t imagine how that will be magnified with 2 kiddos instead of one.
[Btw, photos were taken from my Snapchat –& then edited with Afterlight– follow us in our daily adventures! @thelovenotes]
I can’t wait to see them play together. Not looking forward to sibling fights, haha.. But I can’t wait for those moments where your heart just melts watching them play together or look out for each other :) My heart already melts when I look at Gio & we’re so excited for a second! It’s going to be awesome. Terrifying, but awesome.
So those are my thoughts…
Thanks for stopping by & listening to me pour my heart out about my fears & excitement. Love you guys :)