Getting lost in motherhood is a beautiful thing. Suddenly I have a new purpose. He is my purpose. I have a tiny little person that depends on me for everything. Never have I ever felt so needed or loved. He changed me. He changed the way I think, the way I view the world, the way I live, the way I sleep, even the way I speak & eat… The moment I knew I was pregnant, he changed every part of me. He changed my life in ways I’m sure I don’t even realize yet. It’ll never be just about me again. It’s about putting this little guy’s needs before my own, even when it’s a sacrifice (i.e. sleep!) & being so willing & grateful to do it that it really isn’t even a sacrifice, it’s a privilege. He is such a blessing that sometimes I wonder what I did right to deserve such a precious little gift?
Since the moment he arrived, my life has been dedicated to making sure his needs are met. At times, I completely forgot I was even a person with my own needs because I was so focused on my little man. I don’t consider this a bad thing necessarily, but I realized I need to have a balance. (This isn’t the first time I’ve struggled with keeping a balance in my life!) Somewhere between all the snuggles, nursing, diaper changes, lullabies, rocking, bath times, tickles & goodnight kisses I got lost in motherhood.
I surprised my husband recently when I did take the time to “get ready” for the day by curling my hair & putting on makeup. He asked where I was going, haha. Even though I wasn’t going anywhere it felt good to get prettied up. I went about my normal day & it was a nice surprise when I’d catch glimpses of a fancy version of myself in the mirror :) So I decided I needed to do things like that for myself more often. I took hubby’s advice (he ALWAYS tells me I need to take a break!) & started taking advantage of nap time to do something fun (rather than something I would consider productive, haha) just for me. Just because. So I started playing around with makeup again. I thought it would be fun to start a beauty series by filming some makeup tutorials that I could share with all of you. It’s my way of bringing you along in my adventure/journey of rediscovering & reinventing myself post-baby. So if you want to check out those posts/videos just click the “Myself: Rediscovered” tab at the top. (Or if you’re on your phone, scroll down to the bottom & click “View Web Version” & an orange box will appear in the top right corner. Click the box & the tabs will appear.)
& I just want to remind all of you mamas out there that while you have a super important job & it can be hard to make time for yourself, you do deserve it! :)
& here’s a video that pretty much reiterates what I just wrote! :)
Thanks for stopping by, I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!!
Photo by Mark H, check out his Flickr!