I don’t really remember what I had in my first hospital bag, but I know I hardly used anything I brought, haha. I tend to overpack because I’m such a “what if” kind of girl– I like to be prepared!
I’ve made list after list about what should/shouldn’t go in my bag & this is what I’ve come up with. The essentials, plus some “luxury” items. I’ve linked all the items in case you’re interested in seeing where I got them.
- A robe. This is obviously essential for me (hence it being #1 on my list). I walk around my house in a fuzzy robe & slippers 24/7 because I’m a 28 year old grandma. Haha. Pinterest convinced me I needed to buy a “pretty” robe for pictures, which I thought was brilliant! I found one that has flowers on it & I’m in love– my Sprinkle invites were flower themed & Gabi’s middle name is Rose, so I thought this was fitting :)
- Slippers. They’re actually moccasins with soles & I live in them! Not shown in the picture.
- Nursing tanks. I brought zero of these for my first birth. Honestly, I just wore my robe. But this time around we’re expecting visitors so I guess I need to look presentable. Darn, haha.
- Nursing bras. I just got these on Amazon & I love them! 3 for $30, ummm YES. :)
- Pajamas. They’re no longer available on the Victoria’s Secret website but they’re my favorite! I also packed a pair of loose pj bottoms from Kohl’s & some loose shirts.
- Underwear. I own like 100 pairs of these (not really) in black. They’re comfortable, seamless & perfect for pregnancy. & post pregnancy. & anytime you aren’t wearing sexy undies. :)
- Leggings. I’m bringing 3 pairs since they take up no space in my bag. I have maternity & post maternity kinds. Both are stretchy & amazing.
- Going home outfit. I wanted something comfortable, so I’m going with leggings, a nursing tank, & a light, oversized cardigan.
(Does anyone else hate that word? No, just me? Ok.)
Btw, this bag was a gift to me & it’s awesome because it unrolls & has a little hook at the top you can hang over the door :)
- Toothbrush/Toothpaste.
- Deodorant.
- Hair ties & clips. I can’t handle hair in my face, it’s just not ok. Ever.
- Face wash. My favorite.
- Dry shampoo. My water broke right after I showered, so I was all fresh & clean the first time around… I want to be prepared if that’s not the case this time!
- Shampoo/Conditioner. Travel sized, obviously.
- Shower Gel. Smells so good!
- Lotion.
- Nail file/clippers. This is probably optional for almost everyone. But if I have a nail that cracks, I cannot for the life of me leave it alone, it drives me so crazy!! & it’s 100 times worse when I’m nervous, so yes, these are most definitely going in my bag, haha.
- Lip Balm. Because I’m addicted.
- Nursing Pads. I didn’t need these last time, but just in case.
- Makeup. I literally could not have cared less what I looked like for Giovanni’s birth, and wore no makeup for my stay at the hospital. But… I’d rather have it than not! I packed tinted moisturizer, foundation, powder, highlighter, bronzer, eyebrow powder, blush, mascara, eye liner, & eyeshadow palette. & I doubt I’ll use any of it, haha.
- Towel.
- Shower flip flops. Everyone knows I’m a germaphobe.
- Onesies/Jammies. A mix of newborn Carter’s onesies & 0-3 month Circo (Target) jammies.
- Mittens. From Target.
- Swaddler.
- Hat. The hat they used on Giovanni! Thought it would be cute if they shared :)
- Burp Cloth. A gift, but I think it’s from Target.
- Pacifiers. I didn’t push a pacifier on Giovanni because I feared he would become addicted & it would only cause problems down the line. But it turned out anytime he was upset, he needed to use me as a pacifier. So for Gabi? She’s getting a paci & she’s going to love it :) Haha.
- Muslin Blankets.
- Nursing Cover.
- Car Seat.
- Phone. Obviously.
- Phone charger. With a loooooooong cord! My phone was pretty much dead the entire time we were in the hospital because I couldn’t text while it was charging since my charger was too short.
- Camera + battery charger. Honestly, I’ll probably just end up using my phone but I like having the option!
- Earbuds. So I can relax with some music… or get pumped up! :)
- Snacks. This is the one thing that I sooo wished I packed more of. I had a few Kashi bars and a bag of almonds but that was it & trust me those didn’t do it for me. This time? I’ve got dried mango, S’mores pop tarts (I know. Processed junk. But I can’t help it, I love them!) plain almonds & that’s it so far. I’ll most definitely be adding to this list!!!
- Pillow. I might be high maintenance but I feel like hospital pillows are terrible!
- Gio’s big brother gift. We got him a bubble machine since he loves bubbles :) I might add some books, too.
- Nurse gifts. I haven’t made these yet. I need to get on that, hahaha.
- ID. I carry this with me anyway.
- Insurance Info. We pre-registered, so I don’t think we’ll need this but it’s something I keep in my wallet regardless.
So that’s what’s in my hospital bag! Am I missing anything?? Let me know in the comments! Thanks for stopping by :)