I’ve been so bad about taking and posting baby bump pictures, I need to step up my game because we only have 5 weeks left! Assuming she doesn’t decide to make her debut before then…
Third Trimester nesting is in full swing– I just want to clean all the things!! I don’t even know how we’ve accumulated so much stuff. Seriously. I’ve decluttered all the closets & trashed what couldn’t be donated but I could probably go for round 2 (or 3…) & find even more stuff to get rid of. Clutter makes me feel claustrophobic in general, but when I’m preggo it’s magnified x100, haha.
Everything is great with baby Gabriella! I had to do a stress test at my 32 week dr appt to double check her heart rate. They hooked me up to a belly monitor & I waited for 20 minutes while they recorded her heartbeats. It was a long 20 minutes, but everything was good :)
They also were worried she wasn’t growing enough, but she was moving so much when they were measuring it was hard to tell for sure. An ultrasound proved she’s doing just fine :) 5 lb 2oz at 34 weeks & she has some hair!! Can’t wait to meet this little cutie.
I’ve had two episodes of Braxton Hicks contractions where in my head I was like, “This is fake labor. It’s too early…” But the contractions were coming every 10 or so minutes for about an hour… in which time I started thinking, “Ummmm… ok, you can stop now, seriously.. it’s too early!” & sure enough they faded away. I only experienced BH contractions with Giovanni twice, & each time there were only about 3 in a row. So we’re in new territory :)
It’s been sooooo busy around here, I’ve neglected posting on social media (more so than usual, ha). Aside from obsessively preparing for Baby G 2.0, I started a trial period for a new position as a writer for Dailymom.com at the beginning of the year. It’s been a great experience so far but it’s definitely consuming my “spare time” during this learning stage. It’s been a balancing act working from home while still making Giovanni my first priority. We all know I struggle with balance sooooo it’s been interesting, haha. It’s a great opportunity & I’m excited to see where it takes me, though!
Other than that, we’re just trying to soak up these last few weeks with Giovanni as our “one & only.” He’ll still be our one & only boy, but our worlds are about to be rocked with a new baby girl around here :)
I’m feeling pretty excited/anxious/impatient/terrified/etc. about labor the second time around, which will be here before we know it! This time it’s not the fear of the unknown.. it’s exactly the opposite, haha. (Although, I guess with labor you don’t ever really know what to expect.) So there’s that. Haha. & here’s to hoping we all make a smooth transition in this new, exciting chapter of our lives! Until then, I’ll just be staring at this beautiful face :)
Thanks for stopping by!