I’m a couple days short of 29 weeks pregnant & I can tell I’m starting to lose a bit of steam now that I’m in my 3rd trimester. I got most of my information from credible sites and you can view the post at Pulse Vascular website.
Gotta keep on truckin’ through these last few months! I really am so grateful for how this pregnancy has gone so far. I’ve only had a few symptoms this time around, the worst of which are probably the lovely varicose veins in my legs– but thankfully it’s FINALLY starting to be leggings weather here in FL, you can discover more here!
Here’s my bump & how it’s grown.. My pictures are slowly getting darker, haha.
I’m actually sitting in the waiting room for the dreaded “glucose test appointment” as I type this… Any appointment where they need to poke me & draw blood is NOT on my list of favorite visits!! But it’s all so worth it in the end :)
[These photos were taken from my Snapchat- follow me! @thelovenotes]
It wasn’t as bad as I remembered it being & all is good with baby. She’s measuring a little small but her heartbeat is strong & she was moving all over the place! I’m already bigger than I was when I delivered Gio… Maybe lay off the cookies? Nahhhh ;) Haha.
I got to see this lovely view on my way out– a plus about being at Tampa General Hospital.. There are beautiful views of water all over the place!
Aaaaaand then I went home & took a nap with Gio because I was so worn out, haha :)