I’m 19 weeks today, & time seems to be flying by so fast! Thursday we had our anatomy ultrasound for baby #2. It’s SO amazing to see what’s going on inside my belly & watch baby move around. & boy was he/she moving!! I think we’re going to have another little mover like Gio on our hands, haha.
Tom wants to know the gender & I wanted it to be a surprise so we’re making a compromise.. Next weekend we’re having a gender reveal party to find out! It was actually pretty hard knowing that we are going to find out, & then not just finding out at our appointment, haha. But I was strong & the results are in an envelope! Tom’s not 100% on board with my party idea but he’s going along with it. Good husband (;
I’m all about documenting memories & I think it would be so amazing to be able to look back & see our reactions the moment we find out what we’re having. I wanted to take it a step further & have family & friends here with us to share our joy in this much anticipated moment. Also, it’s an excuse to have a party. & I’m all about that, haha.
I’m getting more & more excited to know for sure, but Tom & I both think it’s a boy! I’ve had a few dreams & I keep calling baby “he.” Since my first was a boy maybe it’s just a habit.. but I’m still so convinced boy & I will seriously be shocked if it’s a girl, so much so that I was up until 10:30pm (<— that’s SO LATE for me! I know, insert grandma emoji here.) looking up boy names. Girl names are easy & we’ve had one picked out since before Giovanni was born.. but boy names are so hard!! I think we have a name or two in mind for now (: Tom says he thinks he saw a you-know-what at the ultrasound so he says boy, too.. but we’ll find out soon enough!
I thought it was special that my ultrasound appointment fell on my dad’s “would have been 62nd” birthday. It was a little bittersweet knowing he’s not here to share all these moments & blessings with us physically, but I thought about him the whole time & I know he’s with us in spirit. If he were still here, he would say the sonogram image is better than any birthday present we could’ve ever bought him. He was one of the most sentimental people I’ve ever known & I like to think I carry a bit of that in me.
I’ll be posting some of our gender reveal party photos/video next weekend, so make sure you check back to see what we’re having! I also have a few DIY’s in the works– if you guessed this, then you know me, haha– & don’t worry, I’ll be sure to share all the details on here, I got you (: Thanks for stopping by!!