We made these clouds to hang up in our classroom while doing a unit on weather.
I just love them! They’re so puffy & whimsical, & even though they’re rain clouds,
they made our room look so happy (:
What we used:
- Large paper plate
- Hole puncher
- Glue
- White “fluff”
- Stapler
- Blue streamers
- Scissors
- Fishing line
What we did:
- Punched a hole in the top of our plate so it could hang from the ceiling
- Cut the blue “rain” streamers in different lengths (we actually cut the streamers down the middle too, so they weren’t as thick)
- Stapled the streamers to the bottom edge of our plate
- Glued on LOTS of fluff!
- Hung it with fishing line
*A trick I learned from another teacher: Hang fishing line from the ceiling in the beginning of the year where you think you will hang decorations. Tie on a paper clip to each line & bend it like this: