Mason Jar Gift Ideas
I can’t believe it’s that time of year again! It snowed for the first time here in North Chicago & it’s officially feeling like Christmas time. It inspired me to put together a post with some holiday gift ideas– this time it’s in the form of Mason Jar Gifts. Read on to see some of the most adorable holiday-themed mason jar gifts for this holiday season.
My favorite part about mason jar gifts is that they’re no fuss. You fill it up & you’re good to go! Scroll down to see all the cuteness! Be sure to check out the source links to these posts, most of them have the free printable tags for you to print out & use :)
Angel Jar by Polkadotchair.com
Peppermint Brownies by Apumpkinandaprincess.com
Adult Hot Chocolate by Good-n-you.com
Buttermilk Pancake Mix by Skiptomylou.org
M&M Cookies by Celebratingsweets.com
S’mores by Anightowlblog.com
Elf Mason Jar by Polkadotchair.com
Peppermint Pampering by Thegunnysack.com
Reindeer Noses by Thehankfulhouse.com
Santa Belly by Polkadotchair.com
I had no idea there were so many cute gifts using mason jars. & I just realized 3 out of my 10 picks were from Polkadotchair.com– apparently I love her style! :) Which one is your favorite?
For more gift ideas, be sure to check out my post on 10 Gorgeous Gift Baskets!
Cover Photo by Dmitry Mashkin on Unsplash