We decided to spend Christmas in Chicago this year. We got a little more adventure than we expected on our return home (I think it’s still too soon for me to laugh about… *insert monkey with hands on his face emoji here*), but here are tons of pictures from our trip!
Gio LOVES airplanes (& anything else “transportation”), so we were lucky enough to find a quiet table next to a window where he could watch the “uhpanes” take off :)
While Gio was glued to the window clapping for all the passing planes, Tom & I enjoyed some pretty epic fried chicken nachos :)
The night before our trip, I wrapped up some toys & books for Gio to open on the flight when we needed a distraction. I found these at a second hand store for just a dime or so a piece! I also put together a little bag of stickers & crayons to go with a coloring book.
The next day we had lunch at Siena Tavern & visited Cristkindlmarket to get a little taste of Germany. It was SO. PACKED. We could hardly move, let alone push a stroller… I had to really ignore my claustrophobic tendencies, haha.
It was cool to walk through the (very cramped) shops to see all the things & warm up a bit, though!
Debated about getting one of these gigantic cookies…
“You can buy or be nuts here.”
& no trip is complete without hot chocolate in a boot mug :) Gio was clearly ready to party at this point, haha.
We did a little Christmas shopping later & Gio found what he wanted right away– a Tesla. Maybe someday, kid, haha.
We went to a party where Gio got to decorate his own Christmas tree… aka ice cream cone + icing + sprinkles! Although he couldn’t quite see over the table (haha) he loved it! :)
We also met Anna & Kristoff from Frozen! But he had no idea who they were, lol.
Every time we went to dinner I’d get a root beer … Baby bump + brown bottle = weird stares, haha.
Tom’s gigantic bottle vs. mine.
My little man in his pea coat! Heart eyes emoji.
& onto more serious faces.
More Christmas shopping = taking breaks in immobile cars. I think we need to get him one, haha.
All the shopping wore this kid out (& this preggo mama, too!) but he still had sweet smiling dreams. Another heart eyes emoji.
Little bear watching a truck outside with his two Westie sidekicks, Winnie & Gus :)
31 week bump!
Admiring the tree on Christmas Eve! We somehow survived 10:30pm Mass in the front row– & without falling asleep! Tom had to take Gio out to the back of the church behind the glass doors pretty much immediately after Mass started (lol) where he ran laps until he fell asleep. If only I had 1/2 of his energy!
Our favorite Christmas present this year :)
Giovanni got a Toews jersey & it’s pretty much the cutest thing ever. He says “Go Haw! Go Haw!” (Hawks) haha.
Opening presents requires serious focus ;)
& he loved passing out presents!
Gio was “patiently” waiting for Christmas dinner while playing games on the iPad. He clearly had no time for my (no makeup) selfie shenanigans.
I also chopped my hair, guys! I still have yet to get a good picture, but here’s a teensy weensy peak!!
Christmas dinner table. Ooooooh. Aaaaaaaah. Also, why didn’t I get pics of the food? I was too hungry I think, haha.
We had so many plans that we decided to skip (seeing the zoo lights at Lincoln Park Zoo, meeting up with friends/family, visiting Shedd Aquarium, getting Giordano’s Pizza) because Gio wasn’t feeling great for a few days & I was also totally worn out. We aren’t used to all the running around– the most excitement we get in a day is a visit to the grocery store, haha. Add in cold/wet weather & we just weren’t feeling it.
We did, however, do a bit of Christmas cookie decorating…
He wasn’t so thrilled to ice them…
But he loved shaking the sprinkles!
& of course he loved tasting them :) But let’s be honest, that’s everybody’s favorite.
We had dinner at our favorite local Italian place– Trattoria Pomigliano– where I won the “Mom of the Year Award” for letting Gio feed himself pasta with a gigantic fork in his white shirt.
It was super messy.
But yolo.
Then I changed his shirt right there in the high chair before we left, hahaha.
So… this pea coat fit me when we got to Chicago… Haha.
& of course the day we leave, we finally get snow!!
Lots of snow.
So much snow that our flight was delayed 3 hours.
So I just stared out this window praying our flight wouldn’t be cancelled after spending all this time at the airport.
Meanwhile, Tom got VERY acquainted with the lower level of O’Hare where what we dubbed, “The Real Life Rainbow Road” could be found. He strolled Gio up & down 1,000 times until he finally fell asleep.
& of course no longer than 5 minutes later, our flight was officially cancelled. 6 hours at the airport, & we were going back where we started. Face palm. I just kept telling myself, “We’re making memories.”
Also, “Don’t cry.” Haha.
The soonest we could fly out was 3 days later. Face palm #2. So this was me, on hold with United baggage claim for 52 minutes so we could ask that our bags be held back, right before my call dropped. Face palm #3.
I’m obviously having so much fun, lol.
Another 50+ minutes later on hold with United baggage claim & we finally get through.
Them: “We’ll hold your bags here for you, they’ll be ready for pickup at noon tomorrow.”
Us: “Ok, awesome!”
Thank Goodness we could go back to the Love’s house that night… a lot of people had to get a hotel or sleep in the airport!
The next day we drove to O’Hare to pick up our bags only to find out they had sent them back to Florida anyway.
I’m sorry, what? Face palm #4.
We decided only a trip to Portillo’s could brighten our spirits.
Gio happily greeted guests as they waited in line for their orders. This picture was taken right before he had the biggest meltdown of his life. So big we had to leave Portillo’s because he was inconsolable, lol. We ate in the car & I got an oil stain on my shirt from my beef sandwich. My only shirt I had to wear for the next 3 days. Great, lol.
Fast forward to 3 days later when we returned to the real life rainbow road!
This time Tom chased Gio instead of strolling him down the moving walkways, hoping he could release some energy before our 2+ hour flight.
After an hour delay, we made it on the plane. Gio had a decent trip home with the help of some iPad games, but we did survive a few meltdowns along the way.
Sidebar: I had to buy the full version of this carwash game because the free version doesn’t allow you to clean the car entirely. Well my OCD was having none of that. Well played, car wash game, well played.
Tom & I decided we weren’t flying anywhere for a loooooong time, haha.
& after what seemed like forever, we made it home.
I’ve never been so happy to see a palm tree in my life, hahaha.
& look at that beautiful view. I missed you, Tampa!
We definitely had an eventful trip & I’m sure things could have been SO MUCH WORSE as far as our return home. I’m just glad we’re home safe & sound.
But now I need a vacation… A vacation where we don’t need to fly to get there, haha! I guess a hot shower will work for now :)
If you made it through that entire post, you deserve a high five! Haha. Thanks for stopping by, check back soon for my next pregnancy update!