Easy & delicious recipe for a holiday snack!! We put our own twist on the traditional recipe by adding almonds (my fav) & pecans (Tom’s fav). The beauty of this recipe is that you can change up the ingredients to make it exactly how you want it! (:
What I used:
- 9 Cups Chex cereal- I did 3 cups each of rice, corn & wheat.
- 2 Cups pretzels
- 1 Cup almonds
- 2 Cups pecans (Since these are Tom’s favorite, I did 2 cups instead of 1!)
- 6 Tbsp melted butter
- 4 tsp Worcestershire sauce
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 heaping tsp garlic powder
What I Did:
- Pour Chex cereal, pretzels & nuts into your slow cooker.
- Melt butter & stir in Worcestershire sauce, salt & garlic powder until dissolved.
- Drizzle over ingredients in the slow cooker & gently stir using a rubber spatula (helps prevent cereal from getting crushed).
- Set cooker on low for 2.5-3 hrs, stirring every 30 minutes or so. I also wiped the condensation that formed on the lid so it didn’t get soggy.
- Spread out on cookie sheets (or parchment paper) to cool.
- Store in an airtight container if you don’t end up eating it all first! (;
*Note: The flavor is on point, but I like my Chex Mix super crispy so I’m going to try this same recipe in the oven next time!